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Prosser Airport Major Projects

Port projects at the Prosser Airport aim to maintain and improve this important regional asset. Explore this web page for information about planned major projects.

The Port follows a Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements), Prosser Airport Master Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, and Annual Work Plan to prepare and plan for major construction and other significant projects.

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Prosser Airport Public Meeting
July 10 from 5 to 6 p.m.
Clore Center in Prosser

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Current Projects

Port of Benton will complete one project at the Prosser Airport this year.

The Port has planned a Pavement Rehabilitation Project and Electrical Replacement Project but is waiting to hear from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) if grant funding will be available.

Read more about all these projects on this web page.

Hangar Roofs Replacement Project

In 2024, the Port replaced the roofs on four hangars at the Prosser Airport.

Project Funding

Port of Benton funding paid for this project.

Project Updates

Planned Projects

Pavement Rehabilitation Project

The FAA had originally set aside funding for this project. However, as with all FAA-funded projects, the grant depends on funding availability during the project year. Because federal funds are discretionary, it appears the FAA’s 2024 grant dollars will run out before the Prosser Airport is granted.

To ensure this project happens as soon as possible, the Port is preparing as though it will happen this year, so the team is ready should the FAA funding become available later in the year.

Project Description

This project design work is complete and will include crack repair and fog seal on asphalt throughout the Airport (subject to Federal Aviation Administration funding availability). Crews will also refresh pavement markings.

The existing asphalt is not exhibiting structural failures but has significant cracking across the Airport.

Project Schedule

The Port will set and announce the construction timeline once the FAA confirms if funding will be available.

Project Funding

Once FAA funds again become available, this project will be funded as follows:

90% – Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program grant will cover 90% of all project costs.*

10% – Port of Benton matching funds will pay for the remaining 10% of the project.

* The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires the port to accept all conditions and obligations stipulated for grant assurances. This includes following the FAA’s design guidance and safety during construction procedures. An inspector will be onsite full-time during construction to ensure compliance with the design.

Electrical Replacement Project

The FAA also identified this project as a grant recipient for its aside funds for this project. However, as with all FAA-funded projects, the grant depends on funding availability during the project year. Because federal funds are discretionary, it appears the FAA’s 2024 grant dollars will run out before the Prosser Airport is granted.

To ensure this project happens as soon as possible, the Port is preparing as though it will happen this year, so the team is ready should the FAA funding become available later in the year.

Project Description

This project would replace Prosser Airport’s electrical system, including the precision approach path indicator (PAPI) lights and runway end identifier lights (REIL). The lighting is outdated, and the Federal Aviation Administration mandated replacing the entire system.

Replacing the entire electrical lighting system will require significant runway closures, including full closure of both runways during the project.

Project Schedule

The Port will set and announce the construction timeline once the FAA confirms if funding will be available.

Project Funding

If FAA funds become available in 2024, this project will be funded as follows:

90% – Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program grant will cover 90% of all project costs.*

10% – Port of Benton matching funds will pay for the remaining 10% of the project.

* The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires the port to accept all conditions and obligations stipulated for grant assurances. This includes following the FAA’s design guidance and safety during construction procedures. An inspector will be onsite full-time during construction to ensure compliance with the design.

2028: Heliport/Helipad With Service Road Design Project

The Port is planning a 2028 project to design and prepare for constructing a heliport/helipad and service road at the Prosser Airport. The design work is estimated to cost $155,000.

Project Schedule

This design project is slated for 2028.

Project Funding

Once it’s determined if FAA funds will be available in 2024, this project will be funded as follows:

90% – Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program grant will cover 90% of all project costs.

10% – Port of Benton matching funds will pay for the remaining 10% of the project.

Communications & Outreach

The Port ensures the community and Airport users stay informed about upcoming major construction projects through various channels. Check out some previous communications regarding upcoming Prosser Airport projects below.

Our main communication method is the Port’s eNews. Subscribe to receive future updates.

Explore below for some of our previous communications and outreach.


2024 Prosser Airport Project Updates Public Meeting

July 10, 2024
Walter Clore Center, 5 p.m.

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Leadership Tri-Cities Economic Development Day Presentation

March 20, 2024
Three Rivers Convention Center
View Presentation


Port Construction Projects

Newsletter Article – Fall 2023

Washington Public Ports Association

December 7, 2023
View Presentation

Plans & Resources

Visit the Prosser Airport main web page for additional information. 

Prosser Airport History

In 1961, the Port took over ownership of the George O. Beardsley Airport from the city of Prosser.

The Port signed leases with airfield tenants and improved the field, including building a new taxi strip, clearing land and installing sewer, water and drainage systems.

Today, the Prosser Airport serves as a general aviation airfield for the region.

To read more about Port of Benton’s Prosser Airport and history, visit our Prosser Airport and History web pages.

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