Professional Roster
Work With Us

Port of Benton maintains a Professional Services Roster for companies that provide services related to the categories listed below for potential Port professional contracts. We encourage veteran-, minority and women-owned businesses to apply.
Companies must submit a Professional Services Roster application each year. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year.
As part of the application process, companies must upload a Statement of Qualifications. This document should address the qualifications and expertise in the applicable service area(s). All businesses submitting an application must be licensed and registered to perform such work in Washington state. Businesses selected for work with the Port will also be required to obtain a city business license from the city in the Port District where the work will be performed.
The Port may select companies for projects from its Professional Services Roster. However, we reserve the right to interview businesses on the roster and to advertise for services for specific projects if deemed to be in the best interest of the Port.
Professional Roster Application
Professional Services
Here is a list of professions and specialties that the Port of Benton is regularly on the lookout for:
- Airport Coordinator
- Airport Planning and Updates
- Architectural Services
- AWOS Weather Station Maintenance
- Cultural/Historic Resources
- Engineering
- Environment
- Geotechnical
- Grant Management
- Computer IT and Programming
- Financial Consulting
- Human Resources
- IT, Internet and Telephone Services
- Legal Services
- Marketing
- Master Plans/Comprehensive Plans
- Miscellaneous Planning Consultants
- Public Relations
- Railroad Engineering
- Surveying Services
- Testing Services