RICHLAND, WA, MARCH 23, 2020 – In an effort to ensure access to the latest information in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Port of Benton has reorganized its website and communications to better serve our constituents, lessees, and partner organizations. To view or sign-up to receive the latest news, press releases, and biannual newsletters please visit:
By signing up for the eCommunications tool now, the Port of Benton can assure consistent communications about Port Business as the current situation evolves as well as before and after our website redesign, which is planned for later this year. This new eCommunications tool reinforces the Port of Benton’s commitment to providing our constituents, lessees and partner organizations with timely information to help them make informed decisions.
Current tenants and lessees of the Port of Benton will automatically be added to our General Port News and Press Releases list as well as lists related to their specific location within the Port District. If you’re unsure whether we have current contact information for your primary contact, please email Teresa Hancock at
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Miles S. Thomas, AICP
Director of Economic Development & Governmental Affairs
Monday – Thursday:
7 AM – 4:30 PM
8 AM – Noon