About the Port
Our Local Commitment

Port of Benton is committed to developing local businesses, recruiting industrial and commercial companies, collaborating with partners to create economic prosperity in the region and maintaining multi-modal transportation networks. The Port has a diverse economic-development focus ranging from agribusiness, transportation, high-tech research and development to manufacturing.
The Port was established in 1958 as a special-purpose district under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 53.
Port of Benton’s District Encompasses Two-Thirds of Benton County, Including North Richland, Benton City and Prosser
Helping Grow the Economy
Direct Jobs
Among Port Tenants
Port District
Short-Line Rail
of Waterfront
Barge Slip
High Dock
Washington State Port
Fast Facts
Washington Public Ports Association
Washington State Ports

Public ports in Washington were authorized under the Port District Act of 1911. Each of Washington’s 75 ports was formed by a vote of the people and governed by publicly-elected, local officials.
Washington Port Districts are unique special purpose districts with the primary mission of promoting economic development.
Ports can build and operate commercial and general aviation airports, marine terminals, marinas, railroads and industrial parks. In addition, ports can lease public property for commercial activities, create public amenities to provide recreational opportunities and stimulate tourism. Ports are also involved in substantial environmental restoration projects, cleaning up polluted properties from the industries of generations past.
Get to know the ports in and around your community. Learn how they are benefiting the local economy through planning and building projects, infrastructure development and direct and indirect job creation.