Construction Begins on the Van Giesen/State Route 224 Railroad Crossing - Detour in Place Throughout Full Road Closure
Construction Begins on the Van Giesen/State Route 224 Railroad Crossing - Detour in Place Throughout Full Road Closure
Port of Benton will begin construction on the Van Giesen/State Route 224 railroad crossing on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at Noon (12 p.m.) This project will fully replace the railroad crossing, rail, ties, concrete crossing panels, and the road on both sides of the panels will be repaved. The railroad crossing replacement project will require full closure of Van Giesen Street for the duration of the project, with the crossing reopening for traffic on Monday, August 22, 2022 at 6 a.m. Detour signs will be in place and electronic highway notification will be displayed one week prior to the project start.
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Washington State Wins Federal Good Jobs Challenge Grant
Washington State Wins Federal Good Jobs Challenge Grant
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration today announced that Washington has won a $23.5 million Good Jobs Challenge grant to support Washington’s robust career connected training system serving thousands of students across the state. These apprenticeship and technical training programs are a significant part of the state’s efforts to connect students to work-based learning programs that lead to paid work experience and good-paying jobs.
Application Period for Working Washington Grants Round 5 Now Open
Application Period for Working Washington Grants Round 5 Now Open
The Department of Commerce’s Working Washington Small Business Grants Program provides funding to for-profit and non-profit small businesses that have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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