Port of Benton Port of Benton
Port of Benton drives economic growth, trade and tourism by providing quality infrastructure and multimodal transportation for businesses and the community.

September 3, 2024

Summers Miya
Public Information Officer
summers@portofbenton.com | 509-375-3060

Port Offering Free Public Bus Tour on October 1

RICHLAND, Wash. -  Port of Benton is hosting a free bus tour of the port’s district for the community.

The tour will showcase the port’s industrial facilities in north Richland and rail network, including the crossings slated for construction. The tour will also give attendees a look at the site of the future intermodal facility, made possibly by the recent Port of Benton – City of Richland land swap.

Additionally, Richland Airport and Prosser Airport will be featured, along with property in Benton City and attractions in Prosser, such as Vintners Village, Prosser Wine & Food Park and the Walter Clore Center.

The bus will depart the port’s main office at 3250 Port of Benton Blvd., Richland, Washington, on Tuesday, October 1 at 8 a.m. Light snacks and water will be provided.

Space is limited, and registration is required. Register by September 24 portofbenton.com/tour.


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Port of Benton
3250 Port of Benton Boulevard