Biden-Harris Administration Launches $1 Billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Program to Enhance Energy Systems in Rural and Remote Communities
Biden-Harris Administration Launches $1 Billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Program to Enhance Energy Systems in Rural and Remote Communities
The Biden-Harris Administration, through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public input on a new $1 billion program to improve energy generation in rural or remote communities across the country.
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GMF, ECA and CANHC Announce New Global Partnership of Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities
GMF, ECA and CANHC Announce New Global Partnership of Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities
Mayors and elected representatives from over 25 countries have gathered in Vienna for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Meeting For Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities, October 31 to November 4. The event provides an opportunity for dialogue among elected officials of local communities hosting or potentially hosting nuclear power plants and radioactive waste management facilities; nuclear site owners; operators and regulators.
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TechAlliance Policy Matters Summit
TechAlliance Policy Matters Summit
Policy Matters: Innovation Basics brings together more than 200 cross sector leaders and elected officials from all over the state to make connections, build bridges, and expand knowledge on key technologies.
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Framatome Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) in the News
Framatome Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) in the News
Framatome announced the completion of the second 18-month fuel cycle of its GAIA PROtect Enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel (EATF) technology at Georgia Power’s Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2.
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AGI Industry Day 2022 Videos Released
AGI Industry Day 2022 Videos Released
AGI Industry Day brought together colleagues from state and federal agencies, utilities, industry, national laboratories, and academic, for a day of lively panel discussions and presentations, which are now available to view. Opportunities for the Pacific Northwest to leverage the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to make advances towards meeting clean energy goals were discussed.
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AWB - Energy Solutions Summit
AWB - Energy Solutions Summit
Low-cost energy has been one of Washington’s primary competitive advantages for decades thanks to an abundance of renewable hydroelectricity. But with our region’s dams under attack and with new efforts to restrict or eliminate the use of natural gas, the region’s energy future is unclear. Join us at the Energy Solutions Summit to discuss what this means for employers and the economy.
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