Spring Reminders
Spring Reminders
Spring has officially sprung at both airports!

As a reminder, please keep hangars free of items that may become FOD, including the removal of any trailers that are parked outside.

Reference section 2.4.7 in the Airport Regulations and Minimum Standards included in the link below.

Click Here
Richland Airport - RLD
FAA Projects
FAA Projects
We are currently in the design phase this year for two FAA projects at the Richland Airport that are scheduled for 2024-25 construction time frame. These projects include Pavement Maintenance and a taxi lane extension on the south end of the airport near the Helipads.

The photo below was taken at the March 13, 2024 public meeting where airport manager, Quentin Wright teamed up with Century West Engineering to overview upcoming airport projects.

View the presentation by clicking the button below.

Project Updates
2024 Rail Crossing Replacement Projects
2024 Rail Crossing Replacement Projects
In 2024, Port of Benton will replace rail crossings and perform other track maintenance at the following intersections:

• SR 240 – replace the railroad crossing and repair the signal (the Port will continue performing maintenance on this crossing to sustain safe operations for train and vehicle traffic until it’s replaced)

• Airport Way – replace the railroad crossing

• Saint Street – replace the railroad crossing and lighted crossbucks

We haven’t determined specific dates, but the projects will not happen concurrently to minimize disruptions. As our planning continues, we will communicate the closure dates and other details.

Each intersection will be fully closed for multiple days during construction (anticipated from noon on a Thursday to 6 a.m. on the following Monday). Detour routes will be in place and communicated well in advance. We’re funding these projects with $3.1 million in state and federal grants, a $250,000 low-interest Freight Rail Assistance Program loan and $385,000 in Port grant matching funds. For additional information, please visit portofbenton.com/projects, or call 509-375-3060.

Prosser Airport - S40
FAA Projects
FAA Projects
We are currently in the design phase this year of two big projects at the Prosser Airport, including pavement maintenance and a complete airport lighting replacement. More information to follow as we finish the design with the FAA.
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Port of Benton
3250 Port of Benton Boulevard